Listen to a podcast published on Monocle …about Design Parade2024 by *Mae-Li Evans.

in English  about 30′ with interviews of

Jean-Pierre Blanc;

Fabien Capellothe president of the Hyères Jury,

Yassine Ben Abdallah, winner Grand Prix Design Parade 2023

and Laurence Néron-Bancel  for LM Studio.

Mae-Li is also talking about Design Parade Toulon with interview of Marion Mailaender the president of the jury,…

Marc-Antoine Biehler about « La Chambre 100 »

Initiative Audace talking about Moroccan Designers…

Thanks Monocle Radio

*Mae-Li Evans is producer- on Design/Extra Studio Manager Monocle Radio

This was her first visit to Hyères and I would bet that she will be back next year!

Monocle Radio